Every month the full moon (2:3 Full) reminds us it's never too late to let go of behaviors, patterns and relationships that do little to assist our growth and evolution as people. However this month before we jump straight into strategically planning how we'll become better people and achieve our personal and professional goals the month of June is asking us to take a detour.
Capitalism has ingrained in us that every choice and action we make should aid our productivity, that if we could just streamline our lives everything will be better.
What if instead of buying into this line of thinking we say yes to the side quest?
In this month's reading we're given an ending (2:3 Full) and a beginning (3:3 Genesis) but between those moments spirit is asking us to fully submit to the act of wandering. We'd do well to pay attention to the synchronicities because all the information we need we'll find this month, they'll give us a better understanding of what is happening around us.
Eventually our quest will end and we'll need to integrate this information as we plan for the future. The question I want us to ask ourselves before we start the next cycle is what type of world do we want to create when we step through this portal?

Our tarot cards for the month double down on the theme of endings with the Seven of Pentacles and the Eight of Cups. Don't work yourself into a corner, don't make choices that leave you no way out. Give yourself the grace to walk away from what no longer brings you or your loved ones joy, peace and ease.
Gemstone Recommendations
This month let Quartz with Hematite, Smokey Quartz or Moonstone assist you with both the wandering and the groundedness needed to consider how you're moving in this world.