Last month I did an oracle reading for the fall of 2022 which unfortunately didn't make it to the blog. Over on my social media channel I discussed how this fall would be a time for us to turn inward and suggested the gemstones Scolecite and Dendritic Agate. The scolecite will help us hear the messages and advice our elevated ancestors and guides have for us. While the dendritic agate and quartz will assist us into making the necessary changes.
As we move into the last month of summer and welcome the leo new moon this is a perfect opportunity for us to catalog which internal changes we wish to see during this moon cycle. It's usually easier when creating our manifestation and alignment lists to focus on the external and material changes necessary for a better life but I challenge you to create a list that takes into account your inner world.
If you look at the reading above almost every card showcases an enlarged figure with visual emphasis on the head and brain. The first card in this sequence asks us to slow down and process all that has happened, while the second reminds us that whatever difficulty you're going through or are in the process of exiting is temporary. All emotional states are temporary, so we should pay attention to where are energy and focus is being pulled towards this new moon. After taking stock of our emotional state now is the time for us to come up with a plan to make changes to our behavior and thought processes. However remember we aren't in this alone and can call upon the wisdom of our elevated ancestors to guide us through.
The tarot card for the month of August is the nine of pentacles. It's looked at a card of success and bounty, but what do we need to do to achieve success? Plant the seeds and start building the habits necessary to reap the reward and harvest you want for yourself in the later months.
Gemstone Recommendations
As I mentioned at the top of this post the gemstones for the fall are Scolecite and Dendritic Agate and Quartz. Scolecite will help us with our internal challenges and the dendritic gemstones will assist us in implementing that change. To learn more about Dendritic gemstones visit this post where I get into all its properties and uses.
I'll be writing about Scolecite next so check back for that soon!